Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Essentials

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Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Essentials

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Essentials
by Marco Alamanni
PDF Ebook Free Download
Size - 18.6 MB


Plan and execute penetration tests on wireless networks with the Kali Linux distribution

About This Book

  • Learn the fundamentals of wireless LAN security and penetration testing
  • Discover and attack wireless networks using specialized Kali Linux tools
  • A step-by-step, practical guide to wireless penetration testing with hands-on examples

Who This Book Is For

This book is targeted at information security professionals, penetration testers and network/system administrators who want to get started with wireless penetration testing. No prior experience with Kali Linux and wireless penetration testing is required, but familiarity with Linux and basic networking concepts is recommended.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore the penetration testing methodology and its various phases
  • Install Kali Linux on your laptop and configure the wireless adapter
  • Scan and enumerate wireless LANs and point out their vulnerabilities
  • Understand the WEP security protocol and the techniques to crack the authentication keys and break it
  • Become proficient with the WPA/WPA2 protocol and use Kali Linux tools to attack it
  • Attack the access points and take control of the wireless network
  • Launch advanced attacks against clients
  • Produce stunning and effective reports

In Detail

Kali Linux is the most popular distribution dedicated to penetration testing that includes a set of free, open source tools.
This book introduces you to wireless penetration testing and describes how to conduct its various phases. After showing you how to install Kali Linux on your laptop, you will verify the requirements of the wireless adapter and configure it. Next, the book covers the wireless LAN reconnaissance phase, explains the WEP and WPA/WPA2 security protocols and demonstrates practical attacks against them using the tools provided in Kali Linux, Aircrack-ng in particular. You will then discover the advanced and latest attacks targeting access points and wireless clients and learn how to create a professionally written and effective report.

Thank you for read and download Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Essentials

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