Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry

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Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry

Accounting and Finance for the International Hospitality Industry
by Peter Harris
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Top experts specializing in hospitality management have contributed articles to this new collection which explains recent developments in accounting and finance. The material is drawn from a combination of fieldwork and practical experience.
The managerial emphasis means that the content is fully relevant internationally and not constrained by the legal framework of different countries. Accounting and Finance provides an overview of:
*analysis and evaluation of performance
*planning methods and techniques
*financial information and control
*financial management.
It also shows how operational analysis can be used as a management tool to improve performance. Techniques for predicting the financial success or failure of hotels are suggested. Research into hotel companies in the US and Europe demonstrates key performance indicators used by hotel managers and financial executives.

Other contributors explore the interface between accounting and marketing and human resource management and there is thorough coverage of financial strategy formulation. Readers will also find helpful the section on statistics in the analysis and prediction of cost behaviour in hotels.

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