The Lawn Care Entrepreneur - A Start-Up Manual: The Ultimate Lawn Care Business Guide for the Gardening Tycoon

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The Lawn Care Entrepreneur - A Start-Up Manual: The Ultimate Lawn Care Business Guide for the Gardening Tycoon

The Lawn Care Entrepreneur - A Start-Up Manual: The Ultimate Lawn Care Business Guide for the Gardening Tycoon
by Jamie Raines 
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A good lawn is very often the central feature of a modern garden, whether in town or the countryside. It therefore needs much more care and very often extra expert care than many of the other plants in the garden. The properly maintained lawn is no longer just an area of grass but the backdrop or canvas for the rest of the garden. If the lawn looks good, so will the rest of the garden. Although this manual has been written with the professional gardener or aspiring lawn care specialist in mind, many of the aspects of lawn care within the volume are no more than practical advice which will be of interest and use to both the professional and amateur. This manual is business-oriented and in fact starts with generic questions about starting up a business plan and focuses down to launching a properly constituted lawn care business. It also outlines all the pitfalls of not only being in business for yourself but the implications of employing people, as well as all the anticipated issues which can result from contracting. It is constructed in such a way that whether you are thinking of starting a lawn care business or whether you are already involved, there will be something of use to you. Everything is included from how to go about your accounting to making your business legal…with even a section on the correct tools to acquire. It is written by an experienced gardener who has created a successful lawn care business and who is now passing on his experience by highlighting both the positive and negative aspects of not only working within the horticultural industry but how to go about building a business from scratch. The manual is written in a very readable and sympathetic way rather than in a technical and prescriptive style, so that it provides both an informal and informative reference source for all professional and semi-professional gardeners, without ignoring the amateur!

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